GMAT Verbal SC Practice-4

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Rules of Sentence Correction – GMAT Verbal Class Part-4

VII) Modifier

A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that functions as an adjective or an adverb to describe a word or a phrase.

Rule 1 : Misplaced Modifier – A misplaced modifier is a word or phrase describing something but not placed next to the word it is supposed to modify / describe .

Usage : 

  • Sam donated his old car to a charity that no longer ran well.( Wrong )
  • Sam donated his old car that no longer ran well to a charity.( Correct)

Rule 2 : Dangling Modifier – When the subject ( noun ) that is being modified by a modifier is missing in a sentence, the modifier dangles with no logical link. Such an error is called a dangling modifier.

Usage : 

  • To order safely from the internet, your credit card should be protected.( Wrong )
  • To order safely from the internet , you should be sure your credit card is protected .( Correct )

Rule 3 : Squinting modifier – A squinting modifier occurs when the adverb modifier is placed inappropriately and conveys a meaning that is not intented.

Usage : 

  • Students who seek their teachers’ advice often can improve their grades.( Wrong)
  • Students who seek their teachers’ advice can often improve their grades.( Correct)

Rule 4 : Adjectives vs Adverbs 

Don’t use an adverb to do the job of an adjective and vice-versa.

Usage : 

  • His dress smelled quite foully after cricket practice. ( wrong )
  • His dress smelled quite foul after cricket practice. ( correct )


A conditional sentence is a type of sentence that expresses one situation as a condition for the occurrence of another situation. This situation can be real or hypothetical.

Rule 1 : General Truths : We use general truths conditional to talk about things that are always true. 

Usage : Use simple present verbs in both clauses.

  • If you heat water , it boils.
  • If you run fast, you get out of breath.
  • If you exercise , you feel better.

Rule 2 : Real Conditional : We use real conditional when we talk about real and possible situations.

Usage : 

  • If it works out, I will do it .
  • If she comes, I will tell her about the plan.
  • If you eat well, you will be healthy.

Rule 3  : Hypothetical Conditional – The hypothetical conditional is used to talk about “unreal”or impossible things.Use the simple past tense with the “if clause” and past verb ( would ,could ,etc ) with the “main clause.”

Note : In hypothetical conditions use “were” instead of “was”.

Usage : 

  • If he won the lottery, he would donate all the money .
  • If you went to see him, he would be happy.
  • If I were you , I would tell her the truth.

Rule 4 : Past Hypothetical Conditional – Past hypothetical sentences describe the past. They describe something that didn’t happen . Use the past perfect tense with “if clause” and past perfect of modal verbs with the main clause.

Usage : 

  • If I had won a lottery, I would have donated all the money.
  • I would have donated all the money, if I had won a lottery.
  • Had I won the lottery , I would have donated all the money.


The subjunctive mood is the verb form used to explore a hypothetical situation (e.g., If I were you) or to express a wish, a demand or a suggestion (e.g., I demand he be present).

Rule 1 :  There is no ‘s’ with the verb. The verb has to be a bare verb i.e. basic form of the verb ‘without to’

Usage : 

  • She required that she comes here . (Wrong )
  • She required that she come here . ( Right )

Rule 2 : There should not be any modal verbs ( should , could, etc) before the bare verb.

Usage : 

  • The Doctor suggested that the patient should take the medicine daily.( Wrong )
  • The Doctor suggested that the patient take the medicine daily.( Right )

Rule 3 : The form of the verb ‘to be’ is just ‘be’

Usage : 

  • His demand that he was to be paid overtime was not met. ( Wrong )
  • His demand that he be paid overtime was not met. ( Right)

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